Master's Teas

The Master's Tea is an opportunity for us to invite distinguished and interesting guests to share their work, views, and life experiences with our students in an intimate setting. The format is informal, and we really do serve tea, and much else. Master's Teas are held at the Master's Common Lounge on the 3rd Floor.

Master's Tea with Assoc Prof Ho Chee Kong

Master's Tea with Mrs Lim Hwee Hua

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Master's Tea with A/Prof Tan Lai Yong

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Master's Tea with Mrs Lim Hwee Hua

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Master's Tea with Dr Kenneth Lyen

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Master's Tea with Mrs Lim Hwee Hua

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Master's Tea with Mr Lim Chong Tee

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Master's Tea with Dr Rafi Rashid

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Master's Tea with Dr Wong Siew Te

Master's Tea with Mr Eric Chong

Special Freshmen Tea with Prof Tommy Koh

Special Tea with Prof Tommy Koh (for Senior Students only)

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Special Tea with Prof Tommy Koh (for Senior Students only)

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Master's Tea with Ms Ng Yee Lin

Special Freshmen Tea with Prof Tommy Koh

Master's Tea with Mr Lesster Leow

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Master's Tea with Mr Benjamin Kheng

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Special Freshmen Tea with Prof Tommy Koh

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Master's Tea with Dr Kelvin Pang

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Master's Tea with Prof Tommy Koh (for Senior Students only)

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Master's Tea with Mandai Park Holdings

Special Freshmen Tea with Prof Tommy Koh

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Master's Tea with Assoc Prof Michael Gumert

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Master's Tea with Mr Geert Lovink

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Master's Tea with Prof Paul Anantharajah Tambyah

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Master's Tea with Ms Josephine Ng

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Master's Tea with Ms Rebekah Lin

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Master's Tea with Prof Hum Sin Hoon

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Master's Tea with Prof Frank Dikotter

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Master's Tea with

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Master's Tea with Prof Tommy Koh

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Master's Tea with Dr Yolanda Moses

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Master's Tea with Mr Tan Tarn How

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Master's Tea with Mr Najip Ali

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Master's Tea with Prof Robert Kamei

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Master's Tea with Ms Teresa Guttensohn

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Master's Tea with Mr Vincent Loy

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Master's Tea with Ms Corinna Lim

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Master's Tea with Prof Daniel Hastings

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Master's Tea with Noritoshi Hirakawa

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Master's Tea with Sharon Tan

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Master's Tea with Deputy Assistant Commissioner Arthur Law

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Master's Tea with Mr Jason Lai

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Master's Tea with Senior Minister of State Indranee Rajah

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Master's Tea with His Excellency Mr Alfredo Toro Hardy

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Master's Tea with Ms Janet Lim

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Master's Tea with Dr Lily Neo

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Master's Tea with Prof. Timothy Barnard

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Master's Tea with Mr Lui Tuck Yew

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Master's Tea with Prof. Simon Tay

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Master's Tea with Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam

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Master's Tea with Prof. François Amar

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Master's Tea with Mr Maurizio Martinucci

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Master's Tea with Dr Chris Shepherd

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Master's Tea with Mr Grant Pereira

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Master's Tea with Mr Louis Ng

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Master's Tea with Mr Jolovan Wham

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Master's Tea with Mrs Lim Hwee Hua

Master's Tea with Dr. Irene Lee

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Master's Tea with Minister of Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin

Master's Tea with Mr Koh Buck Song

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Master's Tea with Ms Bertha Henson

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Master's Tea with Mr Edmund Cheng

Master's Tea with Dr. Sonja Lutz

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Master's Tea with Mr. Malminder Singh

Master's Tea with Shunji Matsuo

Master's Tea with Ambassador Takaaki Kojima

Master's Tea with Ms. Sylvia Lim

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Master's Tea with Dr. Laretna Adshakti

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Master's Tea with Mr. Alan Chan

Master's Tea with Ms Constance Singam

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Master's Tea with Mr. Jim Rogers

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Master's Tea with Dr. William Tan

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Master's Tea with Prof. Cathy Davidson & Mr. Ken Wissoker

Master's Tea with Mr. Thaddeus Lawrence

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Master's Tea with Ms Bridget Tan

Master's Tea with Dr. William Wan and Mr. Kevin Foo

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Master's Tea with Mr. Jeremy Monteiro

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Master's Tea with Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao

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Master's Tea with Mr. Lai Kwok Kin

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Master's Tea with Prof. Stephen Cairns

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Master's Tea with Mr. Lee Kok Choy

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Master's Tea with Mr. Marc Böhlen

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Master's Tea with Ms. Janice Koh

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Master's Tea with Prof. William McGrew

Master's Tea with Ms. Selena Tan

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Master's Tea with Prof. Christopher Cullen

Master's Tea with Mr. Zack Denfeld and Ms. Catherine Kramer

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Master's Tea with Mr. Hossan Leong

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Master's Tea with Mr. Dick Lee

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Master's Tea with Prof. Jill Scott

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Master's Tea with Prof. Jane M. Jacobs

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Master's Tea with Mr. Lukas Schaer

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Master's Tea with Ms Bertha Henson

Master's Tea with Mr. Paul Tan

Master's Tea with Mr. Enrique Carbajal (Sebastián)

Master's Tea with Dr. Ingeborg Reichle

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Master's Tea with Ms Catherine Lim

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Master's Tea with Mr. Yaya Winarno Junardy

Master's Tea with Dr. Andrew Walker

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Master's Tea with Artist Justin Lee and Ms Marieke de Zeeuw of the Elephant Parade

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Master's Tea with Prof. Michele Thompson

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Master's Tea with Dr. Jeremy Fernando

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Master's Tea with Prof. William Summers

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Master's Tea with Dr. Rethy Chhem

Event Photos Available
The Tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) is a large evergreen tree in the family Gentianaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its trunk is dark brown, with deeply fissured bark, looking somewhat like a bittergourd. It grows in an irregular shape from 10 to 25m high. Its leaves are light green and oval in shape. Its yellowish flowers have a distinct fragrance and the fruits of the tree are bitter tasting red berries, which are eaten by birds and fruit bats.